Category: Microsoft|Sep 1, 2021 | Author: Admin

Windows 11 is coming on October 5th

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Gets a new start menu, Android apps, and better gaming performance

On Tuesday night, Microsoft announces that their new operating system, Windows 11, will be launched on October 5. It's barely five weeks away.


It was as late as the end of July that the company surprisingly announced that the next version of Windows was on its way.


Windows 11 will take over for today's Windows 10, and will be pre-installed on newer computers from October.


In addition, machines running Windows 10 today should be able to upgrade to Windows 11 for free, as long as they meet the minimum requirements set by Microsoft. See them further down in the case.


This will be new in Windows 11

Among the news in Windows 11 we find:


  • A new and modern user interface that will be cleaner and easier to work in, with rounded corners, new animations, custom themes, and a greater focus on light and dark mode.



  • En ny, renere, startmeny som er sentrert på skjermen og viser appene dine omtrent som appskuffen på android-telefoner, eller appbiblioteket på iPhone.



  • Få mer ut av arbeidsområdet med bedre organisering av vinduer.


  • Vinduer kan «klistres» til kanten eller allerede definerte områder på skjermen for å raskt gi deg oversikt når du jobber i mange vinduer samtidig.


  • Posisjonen til vinduer skal huskes av Windows mellom hver gang du kobler til eller fra eksterne skjermer.


  • Et nytt varslingssenter, der du kan velge dine egne «miniprogrammer», som værmelding, nyheter, aksjer, kart og kalender.



  • Teams, Microsoft's chat, and video conferencing solution will be available right from the taskbar.


  • In addition, over 1000 old PC games automatically get support for HDR, which will give them more immersion on modern screens.


  • Windows 11 also gets full support for DirectStorage, which can provide significantly shorter loading times for many games.


  • The Microsoft Store has been rebuilt from scratch, and will, among other things, offer Android apps on Windows 11.


  • In the future, several types of programs will also be available from the store. This feature will not be ready for launch.


  • Windows 11 automatically goes into a separate touch mode if you have a hybrid machine. In touch mode, the user interface is adjusted to make it easier to use the machine without a mouse.


You may have to wait a long time
The rollout of Windows 11 for machines that support the upgrade, starts already at launch, October 5.


As with all updates Microsoft provides through Windows Update, however, not everyone will be offered to download from the same date. The rollout is a gradual process that is not expected to be completed until mid-2022.


Windows 11 will appear in Windows Update when it's your turn to upgrade. Microsoft says no one will be forced to install the new operating system, and has previously promised to support today's Windows 10 until 2025.


These are the requirements of your machine

The hardware requirements for Windows 11 are:


  • Processor: At least two cores of 1 GHz or faster, 64-bit. TPM 2.0 support

  • Memory: 4 GB

  • Compatible with DirectX12 or later with WDDM 2.0 driver.

  • Screen: At least 9 inches large, 720P resolution or better.

  • System: UEFI, Secure Boot


In particular, the requirement that the machine must have a so-called TPM 2.0 chip is controversial.


Such a chip became common only in connection with Intel launching its 8th generation Core i-series with processors at the end of 2017.


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