Category: General|Sep 6, 2021 | Author: Admin

US court rejects patent applications from AIs

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Setback for Artificial Inventor Project: A US judge has ruled that the AI ​​Dabus can not be called an inventor.

The AI ​​can not be classified as a creative force There is a worldwide legal battle to get the AI ​​Dabus recognized as an inventor under patent law.


A federal court in the US state of Virginia has ruled that the AI ​​can not be classified as a creative, creative force and thus can not be registered as an inventor in a patent application.


Confirmed by an individual under oath U.S. patent law requires that an "individual" under oath be able to confirm that he or she has produced the innovations when applying for commercial legal protection. Both lexically and legally, an individual is defined as a natural person.


Case for lawmakers The U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has in several cases rejected that a company can act as a legal entity in its capacity as an inventor. The court also rejected the argument that the approval of Dabus as an inventor could provide incentives for AI development as irrelevant. If this is to change, legislators must step in.


Dispute in Europe The court thus gave support to the US Patent Office, which has previously rejected patent applications from Dabus for similar reasons. The company behind Dabus, The Artificial Inventor Project led by British lawyer Ryan Abbott, has been met with similar arguments from European patent authorities. They, therefore, filed a lawsuit in Europe and the United States.


cess in Australia The Artificial Inventor Project claims that the American founder Stephen Thaler is Dabus' "legal successor" and they recently had success in Australia. One month ago, a federal court ruled that artificial intelligence can be registered as an inventor under Australian patent law. A person or thing can be the owner or holder of a patent. The Australian Patent Office has appealed the decision.


… And in South Africa South Africa recently became the first country in the world to issue a patent in which Dabus is identified as the creator and Stephen Thaler as the licensee. Ryan Abott told Bloomberg that he does not agree with the US ruling and wants to take the case to a higher court: "We believe it is in accordance with both the wording of and the purpose of, the patent law to include an AI inventor."


Network of neural systems Thaler describes Dabus as a network of neural systems that, like the human brain, can generate new ideas by changing the connections between the machine's synapses.


Patent applications in 17 countries Worldwide, patent applications have been filed in 17 legal areas for inventions made by Dabus. These include a container for storing food with a "fractal" surface and "devices and methods" that make it possible to attract the attention of people who need help.


Until now, litigation has been limited to formal, legal aspects. Whether the patents in question maintain the necessary technical quality has not been assessed.

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