Category: IT|May 20, 2021 | Author: Admin

North Korea tried to hack vaccine data

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South Korea's security service has revealed that several pharmaceutical companies have been visited by North Korean hackers.

Burglary attempts at drug manufacturers
Hacker groups supported by the North Korean state have made several attempted burglaries by health authorities, vaccine researchers, and drug manufacturers.

According to the South Korean security service, North Korea has tried to steal the US vaccine, from manufacturer Pfizer's data on coronary vaccines and treatment.




Ha Tae-Keung does not say when the hacking took place or whether the hackers actually managed to steal data material.

Officially no corona cases in North Korea
Already last year, North Korean hackers tried to make digital burglaries at medical companies, including the vaccine manufacturers Johnson & Johnson, Astra Zeneca, and Novavax.


South Korean vaccine developers have also been subjected to North Korean hacker attacks, but the South Korean security service says the attempts have not been successful.

Officially, there are no corona cases in North Korea - but the truth is probably different. International health experts believe that the country actually had an epidemic before the borders were closed about a year ago.


Economic motives
However, experts do not believe that the country wants access to vaccine data to vaccinate the people. There is probably money behind it. The country's coffers are ailing and vaccine technology can be sold for expensive money, which could be a welcome addition to the treasury.


North Korea is expected to receive two million doses of Astra Zeneca's coronary vaccine in a few months.

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