Category: IT|May 11, 2021 | Author: Admin

Worst cyberattack in US history. The virus does not affect Russian computers

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The pipeline, which accounts for about half of the US East Coast's fuel supply, was before the weekend exposed to the "worst cyberattack on critical US infrastructure to date".

The pipeline transports more than 100 million liters of oil from Texas to the northeastern United States every day, but since Friday, transportation has been at a standstill.

A regional emergency has been declared in 17 states and the effect on petrol stations and consumers is expected to show in a few days. Gasoline prices are expected to rise by 15-20 cents within a couple of weeks.


According to the FBI, the hacking group is behind the attack, which is based on analyzes of the group's malware, described as Russian-based. The reason for the assumption is that their virus checks the computer's main language and does not attack whether it is set to Russian or Arabic.

100 million liters of oil every day
The cyberattack has paralyzed Colonial Pipeline's computer system using a so-called ransomware virus. The FBI says it is cooperating with the company and relevant authorities on the investigation.

Yesterday afternoon, the President of the United States called the ransomware virus affair "criminal". He said there was no evidence that the Russian government was affiliated with DarkSide.


From two to twenty million
Colonial claims that they have developed a "system start-up" plan and that they are working with government and local officials to restore normal operations.

We are in the process of restoring the system and will be back as soon as we find that the situation is safe.

Colonial Pipeline has not provided further information on what requirements are set and whether they plan to pay or negotiate a ransom. A "normal claim" from DarkSide is in the order of two to twenty million kroner.


Robin Hood crime
The cybersecurity company Kaspersky describes DarkSide as a "company" because of its professional website and its attempts to collaborate with journalists and decryption companies. DarkSide has tried to build a Robin Hood image that they "steal from the rich and give to the poor". On the websites, they have posted receipts for several Bitcoin donations to non-profit organizations.

In a press release, DarkSide claims that on an ethical basis they do not attack hospitals, schools, universities, non-profit organizations, or the public sector and they apologize for the problems they create.


A ransomware virus is a type of software that encrypts parts of the contents of a computer so that it becomes inaccessible to the owner. To open access to the system, a ransom is required. To reopen Colonial Pipeline's computer system, DarkSide requires "a large amount".

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