Category: General|Jan 11, 2021 | Author: Admin

The UK is investigating Nvidia's acquisition of ARM

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The Norwegian Competition Authority says that they will look at the effect of the agreement and they will investigate whether the agreement will give Arm "incentives for price or quality cooperation" with Nvidia's chip-producing competitors.

Nvidia has previously promised not to take advantage of the position
They emphasize that they will work closely with other countries' competition authorities to assess the impact of the agreement and ensure that it does not result in consumers being harmed.

American Nvidia said when they bought ARM Holdings from the Japanese technology giant Softbank, that ARM would not abandon its neutral business model, its open licensing model, and customer neutrality. They promised that Arm would continue to license its chip designs to Nvidia's competitors as well.
Nvidia is best known for graphics cards that enable modern video games, but in recent years they have concentrated more on artificial intelligence (AI) and crypto. Bitcoin mining in 2018 led to a global shortage of Nvidia cards.

Nvidia's ARM trade announced in September 2020

British ARM's chip design is used in most of the world's smartphones
On Nvidia's website, we can read that Arm strengthens Nvidia's lead in artificial intelligence. Together, the two companies are the best starting point for markets where AI and accelerating innovation create high growth.

Arm licenses to large companies such as Samsung, Intel, and Apple. They may prefer alternative chip and microprocessor designs. This means that in the future we can expect innovation of microprocessors on a new and unknown scale.

  • This is how Nvidia summed up the acquisition in the late summer of 2020:
    Take advantage of Nvidia's AI leadership with ARM's large ecosystem to create innovation for all consumers
  • Nvidia will expand ARM's research and development in Cambridge with a first-class AI team, and to build an ARM / Nvidia AI supercomputer for groundbreaking research
    Nvidia continues with ARM's open licensing model and consumer neutrality and expands ARM's license portfolio with Nvidia technology

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