Where does the "App Tracking Transparency" feature iOS 14 go?
Blocking of app tracking in iOS 14 will be launched early next year
The feature that will make it possible to stop apps from cross-tracking you against other apps has been postponed until next year. Developers will need to add a warning to their app before it tracks across apps or websites.
Apple has the following to say about the postponement:
“We postponed the launch of ATT until early next year to give developers the time they indicated they needed to update their systems and data practices properly, but we remain committed to ATT and our comprehensive privacy approach.
We developed ATT for one simple reason: because we share your concerns about users being tracked without consent and the collection and resale of data from advertising networks and data brokers. ”
It is not a tradition for Apple to criticize other Silicon Valley companies, but they actually do this time:
“The contrast is Facebook and others who have a completely different approach to targeting. Not only do they accept grouping of users into smaller segments, but they use detailed data about online activity for targeted advertising. Facebook executives have made it clear that their goal is to gather as much information as possible from first- and third-party products to develop and monetize detailed profiles of their own users. This violation of users' privacy continues to expand to include more of the products ”.
Facebook fears up to 40 percent revenue loss resulting from ATT.