Category: General|Apr 23, 2020 | Author: Admin

CRISIS HOLES: Has hacked iPhone and iPad for years

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It affects the user only by receiving a blank email.

More than 500 million iPhone is exposed to a security gap in Apple Mail.

It affects the user only by receiving a blank email.

More than 500 million iPhone is exposed to a security gap in Apple Mail.

Requires only that the victim receive a blank email
The large hole allows hackers to access all content the email client has access to, and without the user having to be tricked into pressing anything.

What happens is that the user receives a blank email crashing the Mail app on the iPhone and iPad - that's when the app crashes the hackers can steal photos and contact details.
The bug includes iOS 12 and iOS 13 but is fixed in iOS 13.4.5 which is currently in developer beta 2. In other words, Apple has not been aware of the bug until recently.

Big American technology company hacked
The error in the Mail app has already been exploited as proven by ZecOps, the company that found the serious security flaw.

The security company found this out when they investigated an attack on a customer late last year. The company knows that the hole has been exploited in at least six attacks. This should be one of the US's 500 largest companies.

Hacking has also been revealed against a number of US allies, including Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Attacks should have been confirmed using the bug as far back as January 2018.

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