What does this test do? This is a test system for use at home or in health care settings to measure the amount of sugar (glucose) in your blood.
What does this test do? This is a test system for use at home or in health care settings to measure the amount of sugar (glucose) in your blood.
What is glucose? Glucose is a sugar that your body uses as a source of energy. Unless you have diabetes, your body regulates the amount of glucose in your blood. People with diabetes may need special diets and medications to control blood glucose.
What type of test is this? This is a quantitative test, which means that you will find out the amount of glucose present in your blood sample.
Why should you take this test? You should take this test if you have diabetes and you need to monitor your blood sugar (glucose) levels.
You and your doctor can use the results to:
How often should you test your glucose? Follow your doctor's recommendations about how often you test your glucose.
You may need to test yourself several times each day to determine adjustments in your diet or treatment.
What should your glucose levels be? According to the American Diabetes Association (Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes – 2017.
Diabetes Care, January 2017, vol. 40, Supplement 1, S11-S24) the blood glucose levels for an adult without diabetes is below 100 mg/dL before meals and fasting and are less than 140 mg/dL two hours after meals.
People with diabetes should consult their doctor or health care provider to set appropriate blood glucose goals.
You should treat your low or high blood glucose as recommended by your health care provider.
How accurate is this test? The accuracy of this test depends on many factors including:
How do you take this test? Before you test your blood glucose, you must read and understand the instructions for your meter. In general, you prick your finger with a lancet to get a drop of blood.
Then you place the blood on a disposable "test strip" that is inserted in your meter.
The test strip contains chemicals that react with glucose. Some meters measure the amount of electricity that passes through the test strip.
Others measure how much light reflects from it. In the U.S., meters report results in milligrams of glucose per deciliter of blood, or mg/dl.
You can get information about your meter and test strips from several different sources, including the toll-free number in the manual that comes with your meter or on the manufacturer's web site.
If you have an urgent problem, always contact your health care provider or a local emergency room for advice.
How do you choose a Glucose Meter? There are many different types of meters available for purchase that differ in several ways, including:
How can you check your meter's performance? There are three ways to make sure your meter works properly:
Use liquid control solutions: every time you open a new container of test strips
occasionally as you use the container of test strips
if you drop the meter
whenever you get unusual results
To test a liquid control solution, you test a drop of these solutions just like you test a drop of your blood.
The value you get should match the value written on the test strip vial label.
Use electronic checks. Every time you turn on your meter, it does an electronic check.
If it detects a problem it will give you an error code. Look in your meter's manual to see what the error codes mean and how to fix the problem.
If you are unsure if your meter is working properly, call the toll-free number in your meter's manual, or contact your health care provider.
Compare your meter with a blood glucose test performed in a laboratory.
Take your meter with you to your next appointment with your health care provider.
Ask your provider to watch your testing technique to make sure you are using the meter correctly.
Ask your health care provider to have your blood tested with a laboratory method. If the values you obtain on your glucose meter match the laboratory values, then your meter is working well and you are using good technique.
What should you do if your meter malfunctions? If your meter malfunctions, you should tell your health care provider and contact the company that made your meter and strips.
Can you test blood glucose from sites other than your fingers? Some meters allow you to test blood from sites other than the fingertip. Examples of such alternative sampling sites are your palm, upper arm, forearm, thigh, or calf. Alternative site testing (AST) should not be performed at times when your blood glucose may be changing rapidly, as these alternative sampling sites may provide inaccurate results at those times. You should use only blood from your fingertip to test if any of the following applies:
Also, you should never use results from an alternative sampling site to calibrate a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), or in insulin dosing calculations.