Citizens can call a number and get answers to what they are wondering about.
Citizens can call a number and get answers to what they are wondering about.
Google will now make its voice assistant available to people who do not have a smartphone or smart speaker. And there are many of them in India. More than half of the country's 1.3 billion inhabitants own no smartphone.
Collaborates with Vodafone
In India, residents can now dial a new number to access the Assistant.
The company, which announced the news at an event in New Dehli, has partnered with Vodafone to realize this service, which has already been tested in Lucknow and Kanpur. All Vodafone subscribers can now call 000-800-9191-000 to "talk" to the voice assistant, either in English or Hindi.
Free assistance
According to Google, residents can get traffic updates, find stores, and check the results of sports events, to name a few. The telephone line is free to use.
It is currently unknown whether the company will roll out this service to several countries.