Category: General|May 22, 2019 | Author: Admin

Started with Chinese only - now Wikipedia is blocked in all languages

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Weeks before the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square demonstrations.

Weeks before the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square demonstrations.


China is not little known for extensive online censorship - also on Wikipedia over the years, where the site has been blocked from time to time. Now the censorship seems to be more extensive in what the country's authorities should have blocked Wikipedia in all languages.


  • Not notified in advance

    According to a report from the Open Observatory of Network Interference, the blockage has already taken place in April. The Wikimedia Foundation reports to AFP that they have not received any notification in advance.

It is uncertain why China has chosen to block Wikipedia all other languages ​​in addition to Chinese which has been the case since 2015, but it is speculated that it may be related to the upcoming 30-year mark for the demonstration in Tiananmen Square.


Wikipedia switched to HTTPS
Typically, the authorities have blocked access to web pages that refer to the event, but this has become more difficult after Wikipedia switched to using HTTPS so that it is no longer possible to see which specific sites are displayed.

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