Category: Apple|Apr 24, 2019 | Author: Admin

This must Apple pay Qualcomm to secure the iPhone for the next six years

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Even more expensive.

According to sources who have spoken to CNBC, Apple had to spend up to $ 6 billion, $ 51 billion to become friends with Qualcomm and quit the modem license quarrel

Even more expensive.


According to sources who have spoken to CNBC, Apple had to spend up to $ 6 billion, $ 51 billion to become friends with Qualcomm and quit the modem license quarrel


Had to come to an agreement
Apple has not come far enough in its own modem development, and Intel ditto (they gave up mobile modem after Qualcomm and Apple reached an agreement).


In other words, Apple didn't have another choice, for the 5G iPhone they have to get in place during the fall next year. No 5G iPhone is expected this year.


Mobile modems are very demanding to develop, which is why even Intel failed to reach its goal quickly. Qualcomm is the leader in technology after delivering modems for Android and iOS more or less throughout the history of modern smartphones.


Qualcomm wins
In addition to Apple's one-time licensing fee for six years, by the time we expect Apple to develop its own iPhone modem, they will also have to pay a Qualcomm license fee of $ 8 to $ 9 per iPhone sold - around 70 kroner.


Apple previously paid $ 7.50 per unit to Qualcomm (something they thought was too much, and the cause of the quarrel), so to say that Apple was in the squeeze and that this ultimately benefited Qualcomm something very clear. Soleklar wins.


This lost Apple, but we expect that they will have developed their own modem by 2025. Then maybe 6G on everyone's lips.

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