Nov 28, 2017 net neutrality nationalwide internet

Nationwide Protests are being planned by Net Neutrality Supporters on Dec 7th

They’re organizing a series of protests nationwide to pressure the Federal Communications Commission to reject Chairman Ajit Pai’s order to roll back network neutrality protections.

The objections will be held outside Verizon stores on December 7, a week before an assumed December 14 vote on Pai’s proposal. They chose Verizon because Verizon has been ahead opponent of the net neutrality rules and because Pai worked as Verizon’s associate global counsel from 2001 to 2003.

They’re organizing a series of protests nationwide to pressure the Federal Communications Commission to reject Chairman Ajit Pai’s order to roll back network neutrality protections.

The objections will be held outside Verizon stores on December 7, a week before an assumed December 14 vote on Pai’s proposal. They chose Verizon because Verizon has been ahead opponent of the net neutrality rules and because Pai worked as Verizon’s associate global counsel from 2001 to 2003.

“The organization has been spending millions on lobbying and claims to kill net neutrality so they can gouge us all for more money,” the protest organizers write. “We’re asking for our lawmakers to do their job overseeing the FCC and speak out against Ajit Pai’s plan to gut Title II net neutrality protections.”

Reddit has developed as a hub for protests in support of network neutrality. On Tuesday night, almost every article on Reddit’s homepage focused on the net neutrality debate, with many pointing to the Fight for the Net activist site that is coordinating calls to their members of Congress. As we write this on Wednesday morning, more than 180,000 people had obtained calls through the site today alone.

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