Nov 12, 2017 Twitter

Twitter has made the big change

Increases the target length to 280.

Twitter messages have always been max 140 characters. Now they are changing this and that for the whole world.

Increases the target length to 280.

Twitter messages have always been max 140 characters. Now they are changing this and that for the whole world.

Make the change everyone has expected
In September they were tested with 240 characters, and since it ended successfully, they are now rolling out the increased maximum limit internationally.

Twitter notes that during the test period, so creative ways to use the new maximum limit, but noticed that trends went back to normal soon, and expect the service to see an increase in ablegos right after launch, so that it returns to normal.

"We saw that when people needed to use more than 140 characters, they used Twitter more often, but more importantly, people twittered for the most part with less than 140 characters and Twitter's brevity remained intact."


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